Life Lessons – Vers 7 – Stop Complaining


I’m back with my boring examples again…!

Great! I’ll take this as a calling βœ¨πŸ˜‰

I’m here to talk about this…..

Yes you saw it right!


People i have known personally, sometimes I do this tooπŸ™„ COMPLAIN!

Why and what people do?

This comes natural to many of the people. Let me share few examples. Barking at everything.

Get up at 6 am start the barking from taking the newspaper. These people are always HOT for no reason. No im not sorry to comment like it. Because that is how i see it.

Complain about what their Mom cooked.

Complain about how the house is been organized or clean.

Complain about traffic rule breakers.

Complain about managers, co-workers, salary, work timings.

Complain about nature, When it’s hot they say hot and when it’s cold they say it’s cold and they can’t live at both climate.

In short they complain about Job, food, life, love, daily life, and almost everything !!!

Exactly! Whatever your problem is i don’t want to know anything about it!


A terrible quote by myself

Stop Complaining, What you have is not there for someone, what you hate is a dream to Someone. So Start Living!

Complaining is not a solution! It’s waste of time. If this man did complain about his life we have no Stephen Hawking no theory of science, time, black holes and human mind today.

Stop complaining and stop wasting others time for it.

What to do about it?

Yes, Remember anyone can complain! But what did you do about it?

Anything before you complain, think about what can you do about it. If you can do something, do it. When people break traffic rules go to right person who can control it. If your mom is cooking badly, go cook instead of her. If your house is not tidy move your flesh for god sake and sweat for sometime and clean it.

And ….. be grateful for what you have.

Thanks for reading βœ¨πŸ€—

To read my previous life soup’s refer following links

Life Lesson 6 – Time

Life Lesson 5 – Accept

Life Lesson 4 – Loser

Life Lesson 3 – Humble

Life Lesson 2 – Hate Life

Life Lesson 1 – Do it

18 thoughts on “Life Lessons – Vers 7 – Stop Complaining

  1. Your posts basically ‘Life lessons’ are stress reliever for me! 😊 Not boring at all. And the quotes are amazing.πŸ’œπŸ’œ

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great post,
    Complaining doesn’t fix your problems. And since it doesn’t fix your problems, all it really does is make your problems seem even bigger than they actually are. When you head down the rabbit trail of negativity you inevitably create a negative snow ball. One negative thought, leading to another negative thought. Before you know it your negative thoughts will create a negative disposition inside of you. If your focus is on all the negative parts in your life you will be so preoccupied with it that you will miss out on all of the blessings around you. Which is why we should, as you said β€œbe grateful” for everything we have.
    Also, love the quote written by you.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hey Saania βœ¨πŸ˜ƒexact point, well said. trail of negativity inevitablity creates negativite snow ball only. Thanks for such a value addition messageβœ¨πŸ€— Have a great Week βœ¨πŸ€—βœοΈ

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very well said Simon! Complaining is a waste of time but most of us we do it! Every time I start complaining for something, I try to remember to be grateful for what I have! Complaining is just useless! Nothing we can achieve, only wasting time and health 😊
    Have a wonderful day! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Very well said Simon! Complaining really serves no purpose that is good but always produces a negative personality which can get so bad that a person can no longer see any good at all. I know someone like that who complains even if he has nothing to complain about. And if we would look at things properly, do we really have any good reason to complain. We should instead recognize all the blessings around us which are many and concentrate on the positive, if we did that we would find our whole lives and families would change for the better. Great post Simon, hope your day is going well!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ΊπŸŒžπŸŒ³


  6. Ha ha Good question,πŸ˜‰ i live in a society full of men who doesnot move their flesh inside house, but workout in gymπŸ˜‚. I’m not that men so proud to comment at themπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  7. Hello Simon 😊 first loved the Gifs as usually and second it’s not a stupid post, it’s so true that complaining is a waste of time actually and people should be more grateful of what they have and even if their life is shitty, complaining is not the answer at all! Searching for a way to improve their lives is the solution actually
    Great post 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey Huguette! πŸ˜ƒ How is the vacation? πŸ€”βœ¨πŸ€— Thanks for your time and the kind words and meaningful comment πŸ™‚ Always grateful πŸ₯° Wish you an awesome weekend 😍..✍️ ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. People who complain all the time are not pleasant to be around. It makes you wish they would leave and take their attitudes with them. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

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