Life Lessons – Vers 26 – Purpose of Life

Life has a purpose? Is that a question? Yes!

Of all the animals in the planet earth, Human is the only animal that thinks it is superior, and it thinks it has a purpose of life, and what it defines as the purpose of life is, what it is created by itself, and it never gets satisfied and die.

But animals, they know their purpose of life, is to survive, enjoy the moment and live in peace. They have problems, they have issues, they have enemies, above all, they live with greater peace than a Human does, because animals are very clear that the purpose of life is only to live at peace. Show me which animal is under depression, which animal kills itself because it hates it’s life, and you can show “Nothing”, you know why? because human never bothered to look at the side of animal, for them, an animal is an animal that hunts, eats and live and die.

It is the truth, that animals know nothing last forever, it knows death is a part of life, it has feeling, it feels sad when something bad happens and it knows to move on immediately and it knows to cherish each moment of life, even at the moment of death, so what YOU think the real purpose of life?

According to Buddhism, the primary purpose of life is to end suffering, they also say that humans suffer because they continually strive after things that do not give lasting happiness, Like friends, health, material things, money which do not last, and this only causes sorrow.

They did not deny that there are things in life that gives us joy, but pointed out, that none of them last and our attachment to them only causes more suffering.

Human stuck/addicted in the materialistic illusion of life, now for an example, take corona, it takes your life no matter who you are what you are, and how much you own. So what is the purpose of earning name, money and designation and property. Nothing lasts.

The moment you realize none of this material, money, designation, properties, diamonds are not going to last, that day you will be released from the suffering, then you will get to know the answer for purpose of life.

Thanks for reading!

An update and suggestions I expect from whoever reads these posts. I have published 26 life lessons post so far, and I know all are draft versions, which I will be re posting it from first part, with a decent editing. What do you think?


7 thoughts on “Life Lessons – Vers 26 – Purpose of Life

  1. Very true, Simon. I have always loved the poem by Theodore Tilton called, “Even this shall pass away” The last stanza says, “What is fame? Fame is but a slow decay—
    Even this shall pass away.”
    All the money, material, and wealth is there today, but it may be gone tomorrow- and I believe most of us have a habit of becoming too dependent on these things, without releasing that it is nothing but a slow decay and we can lose it at any moment of time…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That’s a beautiful line poem with a deep meaning. Thank you for sharing. I will definitely take look at his poem. The way people behave with all the materialistic illusions, is not okay. Wish everyone should realise this at early and do some good for another Human. Thanks for your time reading. And, I must say, Tuesdays with Morrie is an amazing book SaaniaSparkle ✨💐 Have a beautiful day ✨💐

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So very true Simon! We should just stop for a little while and look at the animals around us, we have so many things to learn from them!
    No, we are not superior of them, actually I think they are more superior than us!
    Nothing matters, no money, no jewelleries, nothing materials….the purpose of my life is to be happy and enjoy every little thing as much as I can!
    Be happy Simon and enjoy your life! 🤩🤗💕

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Animals are beautiful creatures and gift to the Universe. They have feelings too; they cry, they laugh. They celebrate, they frown. In the end, they care and live happily. We need to learn, cultivate goodness, and be at peace, and let them live without harming.

    Liked by 2 people

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