Alex – Chapter 1 – #blogchatterA2Z

Chapter – 1


Somewhere in a sub urban, A school, with a total strength of 170 people. Our 14 year old Alex in grade 9, Joined his class after 2 months of holiday.


Yelled his science teacher, “Where have you been? I have been teaching you about Atom, and is this the way you listen? closing your eyes? tell me what did I teach you?”

Alex looked like he saw a ghost and he took a tissue out of his pocket and wiped his fore head and took a deep breath “Sir, you have asked 4 questions, so let me tell you one by one, and don’t think my attitude is too much, I respect your questions, and I am supposed to answer to you right? so here we go”

Alex placed his notebook aside and faced the students and, He adjusted his glass and started.

Let me answer your first questions Sir.

Where have you been?

I was here right here, in front of you, the moment you opened your mouth, I closed my eyes, and found myself running in a dark space, full of nothing. There was a light, a light that started to expand in pieces in the dark universe. I turned back and started to run away, I screamed “big bang”!!!

It was hot everywhere, I kept running and I ran for a long time, I ran and ran and ran and reached a planet, and I called that planet as earth. It was nothing but a hot planet. So I decided to cool it down, I swung my notebook in the air. Finally it the temperature dropped down.

When I tried to relax on that empty planet, I was startled by a three little aliens, they ran around together they looked like cloud and cute. I named those cute little aliens as proton, electron, neutron.

All of a sudden these three little aliens danced together and became one. As they became one I called that new alien as an Atom. And this new alien had started to get into different avatars. I started to feel scary, I started to figure out how the whole world and everything came out of nothing, and I was pulled out of my dream when our teacher yelled at me.

Next question, Is this the way you listen? Closing your eyes?

Yes, this is how I listen a class, please support, I visualize everything, I leave rest of your content with my imagination and that helps me remember whatever you teach to go straight up into my brain, and remember the way I wanted to be.

What did I teach you?

You taught me about big bang, quark particles, proton, electron, neutron, and how the Atom is formed, I don’t want to surprise the students as I have studied this whole book, and We are in grade 9, you must know, that we are eligible to go further into our physics and chemistry, these are very basics.

“That’s all sir” Alex took his notebook and got back to his seat and sat down without further reaction on his face.

The teacher kept his book aside and started to clap,

“That’s a great way to tell a story and I appreciate the way you told me” all the other students clapped too and commented “We got a little story teller over here, Clap more guys, Thank you Alex”.

And the teacher continued to write down things on board again.

Alex took a deep breath “Glad I could come up with a story” he thought to himself

Alex’s best friend Bob sat next to Alex pinched him “Dude that was the cool story I have ever heard, How did you came up with this?”

Alex whispered back “If I didn’t he will talk for another half hour, the lecture is already boring”

Bob nodded his head “Yes indeed!” and chuckled

Alex whispered “I am seeing something Bob, something is disturbing me”

Bob poked at him with a pencil “Like what, is this a thriller story, love the teaser already Alex?”

Alex rolled his eyes and whispered “Hush Bob, I am serious let’s discuss after this class”

Bob replied “okay! I’ll wait for this class to get over”

Alex closed his eyes and a flash back of images crossed his mind, He adjusted his glasses and murmured “Can I say this to him? will he laugh at me or listen to me? he will believe me and help?”

Alex looked at Bob…

To be continued…


42 thoughts on “Alex – Chapter 1 – #blogchatterA2Z

  1. Smart kid who knows how to escape from advice lectures..😝.nice way if imaginations ..
    Different ways of learning is mentioned beautifully in this simple post…

    Gud ways to keep writing on…kudos simon πŸ‘Œ

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for your time Sonia. Glad you liked that part. The story is yet to begin. Happy reading and happy writing. Best wishes to your a2z challenge. βœ¨πŸ’


  3. Well, a true friend shouldn’t laugh especially if he sees the friend is serious. On the other side I wouldn’t buy Alex story if I was the teacher. BUt then again, I’m not made to be a teacher πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for your time reading Jessica β˜ΊοΈπŸ€— my friends laughed at me, I got such crazy friends around πŸ˜‚ Well that’s my beleif when you explain certain things like a story it will register in the kids mind. This teacher is a story teller 😁 I’m not made to be one tooπŸ˜‚ but if I get a chance this is how I’ll teach 😜 Have a beautiful day βœ¨πŸ’πŸ€—

    Liked by 1 person

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